Dissecting the Social Brain

Selected Publications

Kanske, P.; Böckler, A.; Trautwein, F.-M.; Parianen Lesemann, F. H.; Singer, T.: Are strong empathizers better mentalizers?: Evidence for independence and interaction between the routes of social cognition. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 11 (9), pp. 1382 - 1392 (2016)
Corradi-Dell’Acqua, C.; Tusche, A.; Vuilleumier, P.; Singer, T.: Cross-modal representations of first-hand and vicarious pain, disgust and fairness in insular and cingulate cortex. Nature Communications 7, 10904 (2016)
Engen, H. G.; Smallwood, J.; Singer, T.: Differential impact of emotional task relevance on three indices of prioritised processing for fearful and angry facial expressions. Cognition & Emotion 31 (1), pp. 175 - 184 (2017)
Kanske, P.; Böckler, A.; Singer, T.: Models, mechanisms and moderators dissociating empathy and theory of mind. In: Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences – Social Behavior from Rodents to Humans: Neural Foundations and Clinical Implications., Vol. 30, pp. 193 - 206 (Eds. Wöhr, M.; Krach, S.). Springer, Berlin (2017)
Kanske, P.; Böckler, A.; Trautwein, F.-M.; Singer, T.: Dissecting the social brain: Introducing the EmpaToM to reveal distinct neural networks and brain-behavior relations for empathy and Theory of Mind. NeuroImage 122, pp. 6 - 19 (2015)
Lamm, C.; Silani, G.; Singer, T.: Distinct neural networks underlying empathy for pleasant and unpleasant touch. Cortex 70 (Special issue: Neuro-cognitive mechanisms of social interaction), pp. 79 - 89 (2015)
Engert, V.; Plessow, F.; Miller, R.; Kirschbaum, C.; Singer, T.: Cortisol increase in empathic stress is modulated by emotional closeness and observation modality. Psychoneuroendocrinology 45, pp. 192 - 201 (2014)
Bernhardt, B. C.; Klimecki, O. M.; Leiberg, S.; Singer, T.: Structural covariance networks of the dorsal anterior insula predict females' individual differences in empathic responding. Cerebral Cortex 24 (8), pp. 2189 - 2198 (2014)
Silani, G.; Lamm, C.; Ruff, C. C.; Singer, T.: Right supramarginal gyrus is crucial to overcome emotional egocentricity bias in social judgments. The Journal of Neuroscience 33 (39), pp. 15466 - 15476 (2013)
Engen, H. G.; Singer, T.: Empathy circuits. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 23 (2), pp. 275 - 282 (2013)
Bernhardt, B. C.; Singer, T.: The neural basis of empathy. Annual Review of Neuroscience 35, pp. 1 - 23 (2012)
McCall, C.; Singer, T.: The animal and human neuroendocrinology of social cognition, motivation and behavior. Nature Neuroscience 15 (5), pp. 681 - 688 (2012)
Singer, T.: The past, present and future of social neuroscience: A European perspective. NeuroImage 61 (2), pp. 437 - 449 (2012)
Lamm, C.; Decety, J.; Singer, T.: Meta-analytic evidence for common and distinct neural networks associated with directly experienced pain and empathy for pain. NeuroImage 54 (3), pp. 2492 - 2502 (2011)
Hein, G.; Silani, G.; Preuschoff, K.; Batson, C. D.; Singer, T.: Neural responses to ingroup and outgroup members' suffering predict individual differences in costly helping. Neuron 68 (1), pp. 149 - 160 (2010)
de Vignemont, F.; Singer, T.: The empathic brain: How, when and why? Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (10), p. 435–441 (2006)
Singer, T.; Kiebel, S. J.; Winston, J. S.; Dolan, R. J.; Frith, C. D.: Brain responses to the acquired moral status of faces. Neuron 41 (4), p. 653–662 (2004)
Singer, T.; Seymour, B.; O'Doherty, J.; Kaube, H.; Dolan, R. J.; Frith, C. D.: Empathy for pain involves the affective but not sensory components of pain. Science 303 (5661), p. 1157–1162 (2004)
Singer, T.; Seymour, B.; O'Doherty, J. P.; Stephan, K. E.; Dolan, R. J.; Frith, C. D.: Empathic neural responses are modulated by the perceived fairness of others. Nature 439, p. 466–469 (2006)