Publications of Tania Singer

Journal Article (165)

Journal Article
Singer, T.; Kraft, U.: Zum Mitfühlen geboren. Gehirn & Geist 4, p. 32–37 (2004)
Journal Article
Singer, T.; Lindenberger, U.; Baltes, P. B.: Plasticity of memory for new learning in very old age: A story of major loss? Psychology and Aging 18 (2), p. 306–317 (2003)
Journal Article
Singer, T.; Verhaeghen, P.; Ghisletta, P.; Lindenberger, U.; Baltes, P. B.: The fate of cognition in very old age: Six-year longitudinal in the Berlin Aging Study (BASE). Psychology and Aging 18 (2), p. 318–331 (2003)
Journal Article
Lindenberger, U.; Singer, T.; Baltes, P. B.: Longitudinal selectivity in aging populations: Separating mortality-associated versus experimental components in the Berlin Aging Study (BASE). Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences 57B (6), p. P474–P482 (2002)
Journal Article
Baltes, P. B.; Singer, T.: Plasticity and the aging mind: An exemplar of the biocultural orchestration of brain and behavior. European Review 9 (1), p. 59–76 (2001)

Book (8)

Ricard, M.; Singer, T.; Karius, K. (Eds.): Die Macht der Fürsorge. Für eine gemeinsame Zukunft. Wissenschaft und Buddhismus im Dialog mit dem Dalai Lama. Knaur MensSana TB (2019)
Singer, T.; Ricard, M.; Karius, K. (Eds.): Power and Care: Toward Balance for our common future - Science, society, and spirituality. (2019)
Ricard, M.; Singer, T.; Karius, K.: Pouvoir et altruisme. Allary, Paris (2018)
Singer, T.; Kok, B. E.; Bornemann, B.; Zurborg, S.; Bolz, M.; Bochow, C.: The ReSource Project: Background, design, samples, and measurements. Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig (2016)
Singer, T.; Ricard, M. (Eds.): Caring economics: Conversations on altruism and compassion, between scientists, economists, and the Dalai Lama. St Martin's Press, New York (2015), 240 pp.
Singer, T.; Ricard, M.: Mitgefühl in der Wirtschaft: Ein bahnbrechender Forschungsbericht. Knaus, Munich (2015), 255 pp.
Singer, T.; Bolz, M. (Eds.): Compassion: Bridging practice and science. Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig (2013), 531 pp.
Singer, T.; Bolz, M. (Eds.): Mitgefühl: In Alltag und Forschung. Max-Planck-Institut für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften, Leipzig (2013), 531 pp.

Book Chapter (32)

Book Chapter
Engen, H. G.; Singer, T.: Deconstructing social emotions: Empathy and compassion and their relation to prosocial behavior. In: The nature of emotion, 2nd ed. Ed., pp. 233 - 237 (Eds. Davidson, R.; Shackman, A.; Fox, A.; Lapate, R.). Oxford University Press, New York (2018)
Book Chapter
Engen, H. G.; Singer, T.: Fighting fire with fire: Endogenous emotion generation as a means of emotion regulation. In: The nature of emotion, 2nd ed. Ed., pp. 172 - 177 (Eds. Davidson, R.; Shackman, A.; Fox, A.; Lapate, R.). Oxford University Press, New York (2018)
Book Chapter
Chierchia, G.; Singer, T.: The neuroscience of compassion and empathy and their link to prosocial motivation and behavior. In: Decision neuroscience - An integrative perspective, pp. 247 - 257 (Eds. Dreher, J.-C.; Tremblay, L.). Elsevier, San Diego (2017)
Book Chapter
Klimecki, O. M.; Singer, T.: The compassionate brain. In: The Oxford handbook of compassion science, pp. 109 - 120 (Eds. Seppälä, E.; Simon-Thomas, E.; Brown, S. L.; Worline, M. C.; Cameron, C. D. et al.). Oxford University Press, New York, USA (2017)
Book Chapter
Singer, T.: I feel your pain: The social neuroscience of empathy and compassion. In: The monastery in the microscope: Conversations with the Dalai Lama on mind, mindfulness, and the nature of reality, pp. 234 - 369 (Eds. Hasenkamp, W.; White, J. R.). Yale University Press, New Haven, CT (2017)
Book Chapter
Vrticka, P.; Favre, P.; Singer, T.: Compassion and the brain. In: Compassion: Concepts, research and applications, pp. 135 - 150 (Ed. Gilbert, P.). Routledge, London, UK (2017)
Book Chapter
Kanske, P.; Böckler, A.; Singer, T.: Models, mechanisms and moderators dissociating empathy and Theory of Mind. In: Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences – Social Behavior from Rodents to Humans: Neural Foundations and Clinical Implications. (Eds. Wöhr, M.; Krach, S.). Springer, Berlin (2015)
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