Publications of Tania Singer
All genres
Journal Article (165)
Journal Article
4, p. 32–37 (2004)
Zum Mitfühlen geboren. Gehirn & Geist 162.
Journal Article
18 (2), p. 306–317 (2003)
Plasticity of memory for new learning in very old age: A story of major loss? Psychology and Aging 163.
Journal Article
18 (2), p. 318–331 (2003)
The fate of cognition in very old age: Six-year longitudinal in the Berlin Aging Study (BASE). Psychology and Aging 164.
Journal Article
57B (6), p. P474–P482 (2002)
Longitudinal selectivity in aging populations: Separating mortality-associated versus experimental components in the Berlin Aging Study (BASE). Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences 165.
Journal Article
9 (1), p. 59–76 (2001)
Plasticity and the aging mind: An exemplar of the biocultural orchestration of brain and behavior. European Review Book (8)
Die Macht der Fürsorge. Für eine gemeinsame Zukunft. Wissenschaft und Buddhismus im Dialog mit dem Dalai Lama. Knaur MensSana TB (2019)
Power and Care: Toward Balance for our common future - Science, society, and spirituality. (2019)
Pouvoir et altruisme. Allary, Paris (2018)
The ReSource Project: Background, design, samples, and measurements. Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig (2016)
Caring economics: Conversations on altruism and compassion, between scientists, economists, and the Dalai Lama. St Martin's Press, New York (2015), 240 pp.
Mitgefühl in der Wirtschaft: Ein bahnbrechender Forschungsbericht. Knaus, Munich (2015), 255 pp.
Compassion: Bridging practice and science. Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig (2013), 531 pp.
Mitgefühl: In Alltag und Forschung. Max-Planck-Institut für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften, Leipzig (2013), 531 pp.
Book Chapter (32)
Book Chapter
Deconstructing social emotions: Empathy and compassion and their relation to prosocial behavior. In: The nature of emotion, 2nd ed. Ed., pp. 233 - 237 (Eds. Davidson, R.; Shackman, A.; Fox, A.; Lapate, R.). Oxford University Press, New York (2018)
Book Chapter
Fighting fire with fire: Endogenous emotion generation as a means of emotion regulation. In: The nature of emotion, 2nd ed. Ed., pp. 172 - 177 (Eds. Davidson, R.; Shackman, A.; Fox, A.; Lapate, R.). Oxford University Press, New York (2018)
Book Chapter
The neuroscience of compassion and empathy and their link to prosocial motivation and behavior. In: Decision neuroscience - An integrative perspective, pp. 247 - 257 (Eds. Dreher, J.-C.; Tremblay, L.). Elsevier, San Diego (2017)
Book Chapter
The compassionate brain. In: The Oxford handbook of compassion science, pp. 109 - 120 (Eds. Seppälä, E.; Simon-Thomas, E.; Brown, S. L.; Worline, M. C.; Cameron, C. D. et al.). Oxford University Press, New York, USA (2017)
Book Chapter
I feel your pain: The social neuroscience of empathy and compassion. In: The monastery in the microscope: Conversations with the Dalai Lama on mind, mindfulness, and the nature of reality, pp. 234 - 369 (Eds. Hasenkamp, W.; White, J. R.). Yale University Press, New Haven, CT (2017)
Book Chapter
Compassion and the brain. In: Compassion: Concepts, research and applications, pp. 135 - 150 (Ed. Gilbert, P.). Routledge, London, UK (2017)
Book Chapter
Models, mechanisms and moderators dissociating empathy and Theory of Mind. In: Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences – Social Behavior from Rodents to Humans: Neural Foundations and Clinical Implications. (Eds. Wöhr, M.; Krach, S.). Springer, Berlin (2015)