Publications of Roman Linz
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Journal Article (11)
Journal Article
Serum brain-derived-neurotrophic factor increase after 9-month contemplative mental training is associated with decreased cortisol secretion and increased dentate gyrus volume. Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science, 100414 (2024)
Journal Article
12, RP87634 (2024)
Differential increase of hippocampal subfield volume after socio-affective mental training relates to reductions in diurnal cortisol. eLife 3.
Journal Article
27 (1), 2345906 (2024)
Testing the monitor and acceptance theory: the role of training-induced changes in monitoring-and acceptance-related capacities after attention-based, socio-emotional, or socio-cognitive mental training in reducing cortisol stress reactivity. Stress-the International Journal on the Biology of Stress 4.
Journal Article
166, 107051 (2024)
Evidence for differential associations of distinct trait mindfulness facets with acute and chronic stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology 5.
Journal Article
Revisiting the stress recovery hypothesis: Differential associations of cortisol stress reactivity and recovery after acute psychosocial stress with markers of long-term stress and health. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health, 100598 (2023)
Journal Article
142 (2022)
Investigating the impact of distinct contemplative mental trainings on daily life stress, thoughts and affect – evidence from a nine-month longitudinal ecological momentary assessment study. Psychoneuroendocrinology 7.
Journal Article
83 (8), pp. 894 - 905 (2021)
Contemplative mental training reduces hairglucocortovcoid levels in a randomized clinical trial. Psychosomatic Medicine 8.
Journal Article
236, 118011 (2021)
Association between hippocampal structure and serum Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in healthy adults: A registered report. NeuroImage 9.
Journal Article
Acute psychosocial stress increases serum BDNF levels: An antagonistic relation to cortisol but no group differences after mental training. Neuropsychopharmacology (2019)
Journal Article
8, 15462 (2018)
Interactions of momentary thought content and subjective stress predict cortisol fluctuations in a daily life experience sampling study. Scientific Reports 11.
Journal Article
62, pp. 138 - 148 (2015)
The effects of stress and affiliation on social decision-making: Investigating the tend-and-befriend pattern. Psychoneuroendocrinology Poster (3)
Peripheral BDNF levels in humans are reactive to acute psycho-social stress and negatively relate to salivary cortisol. 48th ISPNE Annual Conference, University of California, Los Angeles, CA (2018)
When your daily mental content resonates in your stress-system: Evidence for the association of stress-related thought patterns and cortisol levels in an everyday experience sampling study. 47th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology (ISPNE), Zurich, Switzerland (2017)
Exploring associations of thought content and stress physiology in everyday life. 6th IMPRS NeuroCom Summer School
, Leipzig, Germany (2016)