Publications of Anita Tusche
All genres
Journal Article (8)
Journal Article
8, 13560 (2018)
Distinct mental trainings differentially affect altruistically motivated, norm motivated, and self-reported prosocial behaviour. Scientific Reports 2.
Journal Article
9 (6), pp. 754 - 759 (2018)
The structure of human prosociality revisited: Corrigendum and addendum to Böckler, Tusche, and Singer (2016). Social Psychological and Personality Science 3.
Journal Article
7 (6), pp. 530 - 541 (2016)
The structure of human prosociality: Differentiating altruistically motivated, norm motivated, strategically motivated and self-reported prosocial behavior. Social Psychological and Personality Science 4.
Journal Article
36 (17), pp. 4719 - 4732 (2016)
Decoding the charitable brain: Empathy, perspective taking and attention shifts differentially predict altruistic giving. The Journal of Neuroscience 5.
Journal Article
7, 10904 (2016)
Cross-modal representations of first-hand and vicarious pain, disgust and fairness in insular and cingulate cortex. Nature Communications 6.
Journal Article
97, pp. 107 - 116 (2014)
Classifying the wandering mind: Revealing the affective content of thoughts during task-free rest periods. NeuroImage 7.
Journal Article
90, pp. 290 - 297 (2014)
Medial prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortical thickness predicts shared individual differences in self-generated thought and temporal discounting. NeuroImage 8.
Journal Article
9 (3), e90782 (2014)
Exploring the use of thermal infrared imaging in human stress research. PLoS One Book Chapter (1)
Book Chapter
Understanding others: Brain mechanisms of theory of mind and empathy. In: Neuroeconomics: Decision making and the brain, 2nd ed. Ed., pp. 513 - 532 (Eds. Glimcher, P. W.; Fehr, E.). Academic Press, London (2013)
Talk (3)
Changing for the better? Effects of meditation based trainings on different sub-components of prosociality. Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotion (ISRE), Geneva, Switzerland (2015)
Changing for the better? Effects of meditation based trainings on different sub-components of prosociality. Joint Action Meeting (JAM), Budapest, Hungary (2015)
Changing for the better: Effects of specific training modules on different sub-components of prosociality. International Symposium for Contemplative Studies (ISCS) of the Mind & Life Institute, Boston, MA, USA (2014)
Poster (3)
Shared and distinct neural codes in anterior insula for pain, disgust and unfair economic offers. 21st Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Honolulu, HI, USA (2015)
Empathy, perspective taking and attentional shifts differentially predict altruistic giving. 21st Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Honolulu, HI, USA (2015)
Human prosociality in the lab: The structure of prosocial behavior assessed with economic games and self-reports. Inaugural Conference of the Society for Affective Science (SAS), Bethesda, MD, USA (2014)